
Feel Great In Your Body

Massage Therapist, Functional Movement Specialist, And Corrective Exercise Expert In San Francisco

Fix Tightness, Resolve Pain, And Move Better

If you wanted a strictly relaxing massage, you’d go to Kabuki Springs. 

If you wanted to burn calories and sweat, you’d go to Barry’s Bootcamp or Orange Theory. 

But you’re not here for either of those reasons.  

You’re here because, simply, you want to feel better in your body. 

Maybe you have constant tightness, a painful or problematic area, or lost your ability to move pain free and don’t know where to start. 

I can help! 

I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you find relief and solve problematic areas and I can help you too. 

Together we can create a treatment plan that will get you back to what you want: pain free, kick-ass living. 


Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release
Massage Therapy

Deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and more so you can feel your best!

Kettlebell lunge
Personal Training/Corrective Exercise

Do you feel unbalanced or have an issue that just won't go away? Learning to move better is the solution you need.

Online Personal Training

Can't work with a personal trainer in San Francisco because, well, you're not in San Francisco?! No problem, I train people online all over the country.

why work with Ben?

Get Problematic Areas Addressed.

There are two types of tight and problematic areas: (1) those we know about and (2) those we don’t know about! When you work with a skilled massage therapist you get both treated for maximal benefit. 

why work with Ben?

Fix Your Movement Deficits.

Even the best athletes develop side to side imbalances that eventually lead to injuries. 1v1 personal training sessions will allow us to find and correct these imbalances so you don’t have to pay for them later. 

why work with Ben?

Get The Self Care Recommendations You Need For Success

Let’s face it, you need more than just treatment. You need a game plan on how you can fix those compensations that resulted in the problem in the first place. That’s why I offer self care recommendations for clients with packages and/or memberships. 

working with Ben (CEO of Pain Solutions) is easy

The Stop- Pain Plan

Step 01.

Book Your First Session

Schedule either your first massage therapy session or personal training consultation and fill out the  intake form. This will help Ben understand your goals so he can help you as much as possible.

Step 02.

Your First Session

You and Ben will go over your intake form and begin treatment. At the end of the session Ben will offer his ongoing treatment recommendations to help you reach your goals. 

Step 03.

Enjoy feeling awesome in your body.

Over time your body will move and feel better and you’ll be able to do more of what you love.

It's Easy To Put Off Getting The Help You Need.

But putting it off can result in years of discomfort and even a worsening of the problem.

This doesn’t need to happen. 

I’m here to help. 

Together we’ll put together a game plan that addresses your problematic areas. 

In the end, you’ll feel so grateful that you didn’t just ignore the problem. 

Working with a massage therapist and corrective exercise specialist can change your life for the better. 

Kettlebell press

What Clients Are Saying....

“I’ve been having body work done for years, and Ben is hands down one of the best massage therapists I’ve ever worked with. Ben has a deep understanding of body and has helped address problems in my neck, back and arms that have been with me for a long time. I’m a repeat client, and with no end in sight to the day-time desk job and the weekend athletics, I’ll be seeing him for as long as he has a table in San Francisco.” 

Troy Udulutch



“Prior to seeing Ben, I had been having issues with pain in my right hip. I had used rollers, either tubes or balls, which would help ease the discomfort, but only for a couple of days. I mentioned this to Ben on my first appointment, but did not really expect that he would be able to help with this issue. He did some very focused work on that hip, which was not really ‘pleasant’, but with good results. After the second session with Ben, i had pain free mobility! I highly recommend Ben as a massage therapist in San Francisco!”

Brent Kauffman



“Ben’s corrective exercise and personal training program is incredibly comprehensive and steadily progresses from movement to movement. His multitude of videos make learning new exercise simple and his weekly check-ins ensure I’m doing them correctly. Moreover, the sandbags are challenging and versatile tools. 10/10  recommend!”

Sarah M. 



Have Questions?
We've Got Answers

There is free 1 hour parking right around the corner on South Van Ness. My recommendation is that you sit in your car until a minute before your appointment, and walk right around the corner where I’ll meet you at the door. Of course, if you are there for over an hour it is at your own risk, but I have yet to see a client get ticketed. 

Personally, no, I will never take insurance. I can however, provide you a receipt so you can get reimbursed for massage therapy or personal training. I can NOT provide you with medical codes, however. Read Myofasical Release And Insurance Coverage and How I Handle Insurance to understand if reimbursement is a possibility for you and how I can help.  

Click HERE to schedule a free 10 minute phone consultation. I’m happy to discuss your situation with you prior to your first visit. If you’re wondering about insurance reimbursement for my work, however, click HERE instead. If your curious about pricing, there’s a whole pricing tab in the header. 

If you’re unsure of which kind of treatment would work best and you’d like to discuss your situation before coming in, you can book a FREE 10 minute consultation with me HERE

When it comes to solving your most problematic areas, I recommend shorter, more frequent sessions. 60 minutes is plenty of time for me to assess and treat a problematic area. That said, for people who like longer sessions because it helps them relax, I recommend 90 minutes. 

It depends on a variety of factors, including the location of the problem, how long the problem has existed, and often your age. Although you might feel better quickly, it may take (at a minimum) 5-6 sessions AND corrective exercise for you achieve your goals. Don’t expect this work to be a 1 and done! No chiropractor or physical therapist I know fixes every problem in one session and this is no different! I will help you achieve great results, but you need to be ready to invest in yourself. 

Of Course! I have many clients who love and benefit from massage and only see me for massage. I will offer this caveat, however. Many conditions require corrective exercise to get substantially better because at their heart is a motor control, or coordination problem.  If your goal is to overcome a pain issue, you likely need corrective exercise to be part of the solution. 

All clients must now be vaccinated against Covid 19 to receive treatment. In addition, I am vaccinated, will wear a mask, and disinfect and ventilate the room in between clients. Update – I no longer require clients to wear a mask. Please contact me if you’d like additional precautions for your session. I’m taking this situation seriously and want to make sure you feel safe.