
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM)

Graston. Instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation
Technica Galivan

I know these tools look scary and painful, but I promise they are neither! 

While fingers, knuckles, forearms, and elbows are an excellent way to treat muscular and fascial adhesions, they’re not perfect. Sometimes there are places that are tough to treat effectively and quickly by hand – enter Technica Galivan! 

Technica Galivan is an Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM) tool. To use the tool, the practitioner applies a light pressure to the tissue in question and moves back and forth. This motion allows the practitioner to assess for fascial distortions and treat those areas effectively and quickly. 

As an added bonus, the Technica Galivin brings blood flow and circulation to the area.